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5: Managing Multi-Project Applications
WebMaker allows you to decompose large applications into multiple projects. This provides a more manageable application specification and can aid better understanding during development and maintenance. This section details the options available to integrate these multiple projects to produce a single application. Each project within WebMaker has its own set of assets and can communicate with other projects.
There are scenarios when two or more projects may wish to 'communicate' with each other. These scenarios typically fall into two categories:
Call Remote Page - A screen in one project contains a button (or other event) that shows a screen from another project. Call Remote Controller - A controller in one project wishes to call a controller in another project.
Important Note: A key requirement for integrating multiple projects is that all the action names (Action links on the Application Map) used across your projects must be unique. One way to achieve this is to simply add a project-specific prefix to the action names for example.
Considerations for Test Settings
Blueprint Specification part - The Test Settings screen (representing the underlying Morphyc.xml file) represents the control file for an application and lists all projects within the same application context. Multiple projects can be configured to save their deployment configuration information into the same morphyc file. Assuming one of the projects acts as the master/parent project, this can be done by selecting the Test Settings - Location Details from the menu for a 'child' project, and updating the value for the Test Settings File Location and the Test Web Server Location to the values from the 'parent' project, before hitting the Save button. To populate the changed settings for the 'child' project into the 'parent' project, you need to perform a Run Test to setup the necessary runtime test environment details. This needs to be repeated for each 'child' project to ensure they are successfully referenced in the same morphyc configuration file in the 'parent' project. This is a one off process. Once the correct entries has been placed in the required morphyc file via Test Settings, they will be maintained in future.
Call Remote Page
Once the Test Settings steps have been completed, the running 'parent' project should contain all the included projects, and it becomes possible to make calls between pages in different project as if they were in the same project. To check the setup, go to the Test Settings screen for the 'parent' project and view the Projects in this Environment. You should see the 'parent' project and all the 'child' projects that are referenced. You can then use the Action name that you want to call (in the target project) as the URL that is called from the source page, whether this be through form or ajax submission or just a standard anchor link. WebMaker currently does not list the actions of a second project using the Form Submission action type within the Page Design screen. Instead, you should select the Enter action name option and then type in the action name manually.
Call Remote Controller
In order to achieve the second type of project interaction, you need to create what is known as an Inter-Project Proxy. These are controllers that work in a very similar way to Web Service Proxies, but rather than representing remote external service URLs, inter-project proxies are used to represent a controller in another project. In the (source) project that wishes to call the controller in the second (target) project you need to create an 'empty' controller, which will act as the proxy to the real controller within the target project. As far as the first project is concerned, this new 'empty' controller will appear the real controller in the second project, and can be called directly as required. At runtime, any calls to Inter-Project Proxy controllers will actually be handled by the real controller in the second project. In order to achieve this, the 'empty' (no rules processing) Proxy Controller needs to be set-up correctly. This can be achieved by opening the Project Settings tab and clicking on the Runtime Patterns tab. Typically, click on the Model layer to set-up a Remote Proxy Controller. Type in the New Filename for the reference to the Controller you want to call e.g. {RemoteControllerName_Proxy} and click on the Clone Pattern button. This will display a further screen that allows you to select the Base Pattern to be used - In this case the Remote_Service_Proxy.xml file. Finally, click on the Clone Pattern button to create the Controller. Once this is done, open the Test Settings and select the Agent Types menu option. Click on the Agent Id for the Controller just created, and then change its Agent Type to the Inter Project Proxy option and enter the Target Agent Id as the full Agent Id of the Controller in the target project. This will appear something like mvc-{project}-{pattern}-{agent}. Note: This value can be seen in the Debugger logs of the 'target' project. Finally, Click on the Change Agent Type to commit the change.
Inter-Project Proxies versus Web Service Proxies
Please Note: Use of Inter Project proxies requires that the deployment settings mentioned above are completed to ensure both projects are running within the same application server and in the same Java Virtual Machine (JVM). If you need to communicate between projects that are running on different machines, then you should deploy the 'empty' controller as a Web Service Proxy using the http service option, and the target controller should be deployed as a Web Service. This will allow you to treat the proxy controller as if it was the Agent in the target project and call it directly, even though in reality it is deployed to a separate machine and will be accessed via HTTP.
Rendering Pages in Remote Projects
The details above explained how you can call an action in another project by adjusting the event definition for the relevant trigger button. This works fine when you know at design time that you will always be navigating to another project, but what about the situation where you need to decide on the server which page (from multiple projects) to render? When you are dealing with a single project, you can make these decisions on the server by changing the value of the Page control field in the bindings message structure. But when you want to render a page in a second project it is a bit more complicated. To do this, you will need to create an inter-project proxy to the 'view' controller of the 'target' project. Then, when you need to render the page from the second project, you need to adjust the Page control value, and then call this view proxy to tell the target project to render the correct page. It is important to note however that when this is done, the HTML information returned from the target 'view' controller will still flow back through the controller in the 'controller' and 'view' layers of the current project before being returned to the browser. The rules within the local controller may need to be adjusted to alter the data structure if required.
Binding Considerations When Calling Pages in Remote Projects
You are able to provide different binding structures for each action submission from a page. A WebMaker Project does not know about actions you may wish to call in external projects. You will therefore not see actions in such external projects within the Bindings tab. As a result, actions to external projects will simply submit data that will have no bindings and resort the default binding structure, ending up in the Control section of the bindings document, instead of the formData section. The best approach to ensure your submission data is structured, even when such data is submitted to remote projects, is to set the required bindings structure for one of the actions. Then set the Set bindings and structure based on another action? option in the Advanced Bindings Mode section for ALL other actions and use the settings for the base action defined earlier. This triggers WebMaker to use the same binding structure for all actions, even for actions it does not know about, such as those being called in remote projects.
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