FormMaker provides built in support for reusing components from existing sources when creating new sections.
On the +?+?++Page Structure+?+?+? screen, the right hand section is split into three tabs, Data Structure (the default), Template, and Existing.
Templates are provided by Hyfinity and contain examples of the types of structure needed by common screens. The Existing option is used to select an existing page already present in the current project.
Selecting either tab brings up a new window listing either all the available templates, or all the existing pages in the application. When a file is selected, the structure it contains is then displayed in the right hand pane.
You can then drag any components (fields, groups, repeats, etc) from this pane into your current structure as required.
Any binding information defined for the existing components will also be copied across.
On the +?+?++Page Structure+?+?+? screen, the right hand section is split into three tabs, Data Structure (the default), Template, and Existing.
Templates are provided by Hyfinity and contain examples of the types of structure needed by common screens. The Existing option is used to select an existing page already present in the current project.
Selecting either tab brings up a new window listing either all the available templates, or all the existing pages in the application. When a file is selected, the structure it contains is then displayed in the right hand pane.
You can then drag any components (fields, groups, repeats, etc) from this pane into your current structure as required.
Any binding information defined for the existing components will also be copied across.